
The profile picture I provided is of my family. The dogs name is James and he was much more than just a friend. He was my girlfriend of 14 years service animal. We recently lost him to old age and Cancer.

Although she says she doesn’t want one, I know that she does. More than that, she needs one.

In the spirit of the holidays I came up with the idea of a puppy. I was just looking. Never thought I’d find the right one, but I did. In fact I found a whole litter to choose from.

I contacted the person with the puppies and they replied right away. They also sent pictures. My heart broke. The puppies are beautiful little Rottweiller pups that are very healthy, with shots, chips, papers, and personality. I saw more than one I could imagine would make an excellent working dog and member of our family.

The owners want a reasonable $500 for one of the puppies. The additional $100 I’ve included is for transportation. I’m in Washington state, they’re in Utah.

I live on a very fixed income and can not afford to spend so much on anything, even if it is something so important. I’d love to, but I just can’t.

Couldn’t I just get something from the Humane Society? Not really. In order to train the dog the way it needs to be trained, we need to start out with a very young puppy, of a known breed, who has never had an owner before. It needs to bond with us in very special ways. And it needs to be raised with it’s owner and go through a very lengthy, thorough, training process.

Time is of the essence as these pups are ready for purchase right now.

If the people out here will help with this, I don’t know if I’ll be able to express the gratitude that we will feel, but I can assure you that anything provided will be honored with the deepest, most heartfelt, love and faith I think any three people could posess.