Shaping- MVE’s and Accelerating Change

Shaping-Morals, Values, and Ethics as influenced through “Accelerating Change.”

**NOTE: This is a work in progress.

Although we know it was much earlier, they were first recorded around here.

551–479 BC
“Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself.” – Confucius
“The Golden Rule”
“The ethic of reciprocity”
“One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself.”

800 BC.,

Homer’s Iliad and the Icelandic Eddas, portray a set of values that suit the strong leader of a small tribe. Things like valour and success, revenge and vendetta, or otherwise traditionally not seen as Ethical, can be seen as moralistic, or defended as passionately es any set of firmly held values.

Around 1290 BC.

Thou shalt have no other gods before me
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image
Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain
Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy
Honour thy father and thy mother
Thou shalt not kill
Thou shalt not commit adultery
Thou shalt not steal
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour
Thou shalt not covet

These were commonly felt, therefore became commonly adopted.

Although this is not a complete list by any means , MVE’s were for the most part also used as control mechanisms for social behavior. They served as easily commonly understood sets of rules, or sayings, set in stories, or tradition, that could be incorporated in any social gathering, across any cultural or regional expanse, through cultural and environmental growth, and even the distances of time.

Common phraseology would have developed as language skills developed. As more societies came into contact, these MVE’s would be adopted, shared, adapted, and passed on in the forms of traditions, community or tribal rules, opinions, teachings, religion, etc. These would be able to be commonly understood by most all transient visitors, and therefore easily translatable as well as trust enabling.

These were also  suppressed through such greater concepts as religion,  tradition, cultural offshoots, teachings, opinions,… you get the picture.

If we attempt to apply “Accelerating Change” to the thesis, we must find a significant line of exponential growth that follows this progression through it’s epoch stages.

If we start at the very basics of Man, we can assume that these were formed originally in the initial cognitive thoughts of Man. From the moment we looked at ourselves in water and asked, “What am I, and what do I feel?” Then saw another of our own, and asked the same questions.

**Note: See in the next part how sleepy I was starting to get?  lol 🙂

I think even predating guttural communications, this would have been evident in even our most basic of forms. Cross evolutionary lines backwards, and we will still surely find common values and beliefs such as the  evolutionary protections of young or ones self, as well as concepts such as protecting the entire (Or part) of the group. These too would have formed rudimentary forms of MVE commonalities.




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