

*****NOTE!!! This is still a work in progress. So if it seems at times incomplete, rambling, discombobulated? Stick around. I’m sure it’ll take relevant shape quickly.

Thank you for your patience.

I’m going to assume that I can get away with the description of  a piece of energy as, “a ball with an electrical field around it.”

To keep it simple, we’ll just make it a glowing ball of smaller balls, just like it.

The reason its glowing is because the little balls inside it are moving very quickly. Each wall of its structure is held at its limit, and the ball is filled just passed capacity.

It had to come into existence somehow, so we’ll assume that transference played a significant role.

I’ve stated before that all matter in every state is in constant contact with every other particle in space, (albeit at a very small level in some cases.) Some in a position to interact with others around it, others not so much.

Some are energized, some seemingly inert.  (That was a hint!)

Some energized. They’re moving in a direction with others of like type, shape, etc. All moving in a concerted direction, all sharing each others properties. Including their atomic weight. This measurement it caught up in inertia, momentum, etc.

So let’s look at the solids then.

For potential energy to exist, there must be a quantifiable amount of energy available for use at any given time, accessible in such a way that interference in this mechanism is minimal, yet in applied circumstances has the ability to interact.

If we picture a rock held high in the air by a persons hand. We might see the space between as “air.” If we instead “illuminate” the space, we see that dust cloud again. All of those previously explained particles of the universe.
(In our instance grouped together in nice little combinations of what we call Carbon dioxide)

Carbon and Oxygen are both conductive, so are relatively easy to interact with. The concentration of their molecular structure isn’t enough to cause (much) interference when interacted with, and in the case being described are going to be less on another (field/particle properties) scale as well.

The hand represents a stronger grouping or structure of energy that has the field strengths necessary to provide interference to the transference mechanism.

Once this changes, ie the hand turns, more and more contact is made with the lesser forced particles. (The CO2) More gravitational (attractive/magnetic) force is available to the structure. This can be observed by the feeling of increased weight in the object being turned. It isn’t that the object weighs more, it’s that more and more energy is needed to counter the added energy being supplied by contact with the other particles. Since things in motion tend to stay in motion, and since we know that energy is matter in motion, we know that the state of motion is the state matter chooses to exist in.

So, upside down, your energy from the rock has a clear path of almost zero resistance as it wants to initiate movement. Still being held by the amplified, stronger, structurally supported particles of the hand, the rocks field has aligned with enough contact to initiate movement if released. As soon as it is, the space between (or the particles of lesser strength) interact by sharing their magnetic field energy as the rocks momentum cause it to push passed the lesser particles in its search for it’s attractant  mate (or ground)

(The way the movement is initiated is through the contact with the other particles fields, as energy is shared, dependent on it’s structure.)

Since the particles in between are of insufficient mass and density to interfere with the mass of the rock, it is allowed to initiate movement unrestricted.

Until it hits a greater immovable object that is!

A stream of Ions for example might the

2 responses to “Gravity

  1. …or a force sufficient to imitate mass; such as a field generated by superconductive magnetism, which would however be dependent upon the atomic structure of the mass being released from a confining field.

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