Spell check

Hello Mr. Simmons.

Hopefully this email keeps you inside and out of this hot Sun just a few moments longer.

My name is Richard and I am Brittney L. Brown’s father.

She is a 6th grader.  A 2nd generation local in your school this year. And a great kid who is really looking forward to many of the opportunities Ilwaco Middle School has to offer  this year.

Like all parents, Brittney’s mother and I care very deeply for our daughter, and want only to be  trusted guides in her beginning journey of life.

I wanted to address  a concern I have with a policy or practice that Ilwaco Middle School has relating to “scheduling,”  “class/subject change,” or more specifically “parent notification.”

Brittney came home from school today and casually informed me that she “dropped Animal Science today, and switched it to dance because I like to dance.” During a bit of conversation following, she tried to make an argument that, “It’s supposed to be fun. You’re supposed to have fun in class.”

While I agree that school should be a pleasant environment where students can experience many interesting and enjoyable lessons, I’m not quite sure a message that “career choices should be based on how fun they are” is one that I completely agree with. I  also understand that most likely this is the result of a contextual misunderstanding about “career and something you enjoy.”

My problem all of this is her ability to change courses without my input, permission, or even notification. If she had not notified me of this herself, I would not have even become aware of the change until I read her 1st semester report.

Brittney’s future education is very important to our family. She has been on an agreed “career path” since the beginning of her primary education, and has worked very hard to maintain this frame of mind while learning to develop a positive  school ethic.

I would therefore like to respectfully request that in the future I be notified of any requests to change Brittney’s class schedule prior to any changes being made.

I thank you for your understanding in this matter, and for your dedication to my daughters education. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact myself or her mother (Brenda) at: 642-3014.


Richard L. Brown

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