Einstein On The Porch:

PUBLISHED by catsmob.comIt’s Sunday or so says the calendar and the habit of knowing what day it is because it tells me what my responsibilities are, or should be, is waning as a natural consequence of fully immersing myself in the Florida environment I have contemplated for 20 years or so.

The calendar may be the first to go into obsolescence followed shortly afterward by my watch thus allowing my full perception of the time-space continuum in new contexts and my place in it.

The cranes now stroll to within 30-feet of my back porch and I don’t obstruct their movement with my movement for a camera or even a sip from my coffee cup because for a few minutes I am not a steward of nature but part of it.

The first day of my calculus class years ago the teaching assistant announced, Anything known to man can be expressed through math,” and as she walked through the aisles of desks gifting us with the course syllabus I waited for her arrival.

When she handed me the paper I asked her, “How does math express beauty?”

She smiled and surely made a mental note she had a trouble maker in her class.