3-D Printing and it’s potential dangers

As this technology advances, the concepts and the processes involved become easier to understand as fairly simplistic.

At it’s most basic, you might imagine it as a single drop of material that can adhere to the next as it drops one close, and/or passes by over head.

Advancements in CAD and computer technology combine design and manufacture.

Still thinking small, it becomes easier still to see how many different materials and material types and processes might be used.

It’s high cost effectiveness, has helped to enable it’s rapid evolution.

Observations of this technologies development indicate a very high potential for growth in domestic markets.

***BECAUSE this technology virtually bypass many areas of materials manufacturing, any level of growth in the domestic markets will result in a measurable impact commercially as well.

***High potential for societal influence as well.


An American gunsmith has become the first person to construct and shoot a pistol partly made out of plastic, 3D-printed parts. The creator, user HaveBlue from the AR-15 forum, has reportedly fired 200 rounds with his part-plastic pistol without any sign of wear and tear.

HaveBlue’s custom creation is a .22-caliber pistol, formed from a 3D-printed AR-15 (M16) lower receiver, and a normal, commercial upper. In other words, the main body of the gun is plastic, while the chamber — where the bullets are actually struck — is solid metal.

The lower receiver was created using a fairly old school Stratasys 3D printer, using a normal plastic resin. HaveBlue estimates that it cost around $30 of resin to create the lower receiver, but “Makerbots and the other low cost printers exploding onto the market would bring the cost down to perhaps $10.” Commercial, off-the-shelf assault rifle lower receivers are a lot more expensive. If you want to print your own AR-15 lower receiver, HaveBlue has uploaded the schematic to Thingiverse.

HaveBlue tried to use the same lower receiver to make a full-blown .223 AR-15/M16 rifle, but it didn’t work. Funnily enough, he thinks the off-the-shelf parts are causing issues, rather than the 3D-printed part.

While this pistol obviously wasn’t created from scratch using a 3D printer, the interesting thing is that the lower receiver — in a legal sense at least — is what actually constitutes a firearm. Without a lower receiver, the gun would not work; thus, the receiver is the actual legally-controlled part.

In short, this means that people without gun licenses — or people who have had their licenses revoked — could print their own lower receiver and build a complete, off-the-books gun. What a chilling thought.

But hey, that’s the ambivalent nature of technology, the great enabler. In just the last few months, 3D printers have also been used to print organs, blood vessels, and drugs. In a few more years, when 3D printers move beyond plastic resins, who knows what we’ll be able to print.

Computing in the 21st century


   IBM’s Sequoia has overtaken Fujitsu’s K Computer to be named the world’s fastest supercomputer.

The Sequoia, also known as the IBM BlueGene/Q system, is the first U.S. supercomputer since November 2009 to reach the top of the TOP500 list.

The supercomputer, which is installed at the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, achieved an impressive 16.32 petaflop/s on the Linpack benchmark using 1,572,864 cores.

Sequoia is also one of the most energy efficient systems on the list, which was announced this week at the 2012 International Supercomputing Conference in Hamburg, Germany.

The TOP500 list is compiled by Hans Meuer of the University of Mannheim, Germany, Erich Strohmaier and Horst Simon of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and Jack Dongarra of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

On the latest list, Fujitsu’s “K Computer” installed at the RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science (AICS) in Kobe, Japan, is now the No. 2 system with 10.51 Pflop/s on the Linpack benchmark using 705,024 SPARC64 processing cores.

The K Computer held the No. 1 spot on the previous two lists.

The new Mira supercomputer, an IBM BlueGene/Q system at Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois, debuted at No. 3, with 8.15 petaflop/s on the Linpack benchmark using 786,432 cores.

The other U.S. system in the Top 10 is the upgraded Jaguar at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, which was the top U.S. system on the previous list and now clocks in at No. 6.

The newest list also marks a return of European systems in force.

The most powerful system in Europe and No.4 on the List is SuperMUC, an IBM iDataplex system installed at Leibniz Rechenzentrum in Germany.

Another German machine, the JuQUEEN BlueGene/Q at Forschungszentrum Juelich, is No. 8.

Italy makes its début in the Top 10 with an IBM BlueGene/Q system installed at CINECA, at No. 7 on the list with 1.72 Pflop/s performance.

In all, four of the top 10 supercomputers are IBM BlueGene/Q systems.

France occupies the No. 9 spot with a homegrown Bull supercomputer.

China, which briefly took the No. 1 and No.3 spots in November 2010, has two systems in the Top 10, with Tianhe-1Aat the National Supercomputing Center in Tianjin in No. 5 and Nebulae at the National Supercomputing Centre in Shenzhen No. 10.

Total performance of all the systems on the list has increased considerably since November 2011, reaching 123.4 Pflop/s.

The combined performance of the last list was 74.2 Pflop/s.

In all, 20 of the supercomputers on the newest list reached performance levels of 1 Pflop/s or more.

The No. 500 machine on the list notched a performance level of 60.8 teraflop/s, which was enough to reach No. 332 just seven months ago.