A Gorilla or a Dog???

Right before I saw this, I witnessed my dog anticipating a physics “cause and effect.”

I had a used water in the freezer, so when I went to open it it’s “cap” was blocked. (Frozen)

So, I went to tap it with my finger,

“Nope, too much.”

But I figured a small squeeze, “Maybe not,” and the dog noticed my grip on the bottle, he saw the pressures could “cause” him to “Shy, for a split second, (like we all do, yes I know what Anthropomorphism is)  🙂

I already speak most of his for him, (Real problem is he actually speaks four of ours) I swear! 🙂

Anyway, cognitive thought, or the ability to “sense” our environment and spatially equate that to the mind, as awareness, (The sense of something different and out of place within your normal (at what point?) existence. that is cognitively understood to be of something “separate” of “us.”

Vision, Hearing,  (echo location) and (not always) touch are the only senses that give us this understanding, or “awareness.”

Cognitively though, the only thing required for “intelligence” as we apparently call it, is this “awareness.”

The others that follow are of course varied, more and more journals I’d have to write,

but it comes down to this,

Work in progress


But how do we know if it’s bigger?

Let’s say we take a piece of Helium.

We’ll weigh it, and call it 2.

Let’s take another of these and slam it into the first one really fast.

What comes out must surely be less than what went in right?

What if it comes out 3 plus 1?

Can there be one that’s bigger?

Or would that be fusion?

How do we know it can’t be 3?

Do we really know our He weighs 2?

If the piece is opened isn’t there a lot of energy there?

How much do you think “it” weighs?

What if I told you that the numbers that fly off are not just a weight per say, but more along the lines of a ratio of the whole piece flying?

That only temperature of the fusion is required to go up or down the scale? (The assumption being that Iron is at the bottom of this scale)

Try this.

Let’s convert Hydrogen Plasma into a number we can deal with.

157,500 deg K (http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=+13.6eV+%2F+boltzmann+constant++in+fahrenheit)

Want to know something interesting?

Our Suns core temperature, (a Hydrogen burning sun) is almost exactly ten times that.

15.7 Million




CERN: Universe of Particles

I can’t believe this part still escapes them though. Ready? They mention the He, but then forget it as an individual.

When one thing has mass, and it moves, it creates energy. Gravity is an example of this. As observed, gravitational forces will seek “like” matter thus one becomes two, then three, etc. (Make it easy, a cloud) So one to the other, to the other…wait. They always forget that the gravitational pull is now greater too because of the increase in mass and matter. So it gets stronger.

As one is attracted to another and they meet, the mass of the whole increases as does their gravitational effects.

Give it enough of that cloud of “individual atoms of Helium,” (Oh yea, make it plasma though) and 1 becomes 2, becomes 3, 5 Hundred, 20 Quadrillion, more and more dense,which increases gravity even more, pulling in more matter, etc. See how it can now compound on itself and create an environment for fusion? Remember magnetic fields go hand in hand with this. They work as containment.

And the gravitational attractant!!! 🙂

The “stars” then convert that He, through efficient fusion, into every single element down to Iron. (Ie: Converts He energy, into physical matter) simply by a mechanism of convection.

Believe it or not, you now hold the very simple secret to the Universe.

A speaker magnet with poles like ???

I just decided it was time to pull out the old experiment from school.

So, I took one of my many precious pictures of my daughter, and removed it from it’s glass, and frame enclosure. (It’s for science, she’ll understand!)

WI just realized I should probably do it with prep props! :)

WHAT: Experimental Platform for working with Magnetism.


1 inexpensive glass photograph frame (thinner glass)

1 scrap mid range speaker (magnet still intact)

1 piece of “Steel wool.”

A file

1 sheet white paper

1 pair vice grips (larger than the circumference of the speaker)

1 pair channel loc’s


Here’s how I got the magnet. (Sorry, I forgot to film this part)

I took the vice grips and applied pressure around the outside of the magnet until I was able to remove it from the speaker while still in it’s circular shape. (I got lucky I think. This may take you a few times)

Anyway, once removed, there was also a “plate” I had to separate. (That’s what the channel loc’s were for.

Once removed, I ended up with a magnet like this.


(Note the white sheet of paper?)

The picture frame is just that. Clean the glass well, (BE CAREFUL!) Make sure it’s dry, then shave the “Steel wool” over the glass with the file. Let as many shavings hit the glass as possible.

1010235_10201255775418016_417229652_nNow, by using the magnet underneath the glass, you can see how the magnetic fields work.

1016627_10201255855740024_1375792857_nMy first observations?

There is a field zero halfway into the side of the magnet.

That the shavings will be able to diagram the entire magnet for me.

That it (so far) looks amazingly like the way the poles work on a planetary body.

Some might ask, “How are pics of space Singularity?”


It’s all iow we define Singularity.

If we say that it’s a time when changes will occur around us to such a degree that Humanity itself will change, and that these changes will be dramatic in their scope, yet seen as if they were everyday common events, then pictures like this would surely qualify.


We are at a time in history where we are able to see the Universe with such clarity that our entire understanding of it is being challenged and re-written.ImageImageImage

NASA Admits Alcubierre Drive Initiative: Faster Than The Speed Of Light


NASA is currently working on the first practical field test toward the possibility of faster than light travel.


Traveling faster than light has always been attributed to science fiction, but that all changed when Harold White and his team at NASA started to work on and tweak the Alcubierre Drive. Special relativity may hold true, but to travel faster or at the speed of light we might not need a craft that can travel at that speed. The solution might be to place a craft within a space that is moving faster than the speed of light! Therefore the craft itself does not have to travel at the speed of light from it’s own type of propulsion system.


It’s easier to think about if you think in terms of a flat escalator in an airport. The escalator moves faster than you are walking! In this case, the space encompassing the ship would be moving faster than the ship could fly, keeping all the matter of the ship intact. Therefore, we can move faster than light, in a massless cloud of space-time.


What is the Alcubierre Drive? It’s actually based on Einsteins field equations, it suggests that a spacecraft could achieve faster-than-light travel. Rather than exceed the speed of light alone in a craft, a spacecraft would leap long distances by contracting space in front of it and expanding space behind it. This would result in faster than light travel (1). Physicist Miguel Alcubierre was the first that we know to identify this possibility. He described it as remaining still on a flat piece of space-time inside a warp bubble that was made to move at “superluminal” (faster than light) velocity. We must not forget that space-time can be warped and distorted, it can be moved. But what about  moving sections of space-time that’s created by expanding space-time behind the ship, and by contracting space-time in front of the ship?


This type of concept was also recently illustrated by Mathematician James Hill and Barry Cox at the University of Adelaide. They published a paper in the journal proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical and Physical Sciences (3).


It was once believed that Einsteins  theory of special relativity means that faster than light travel is just not possible. This is a misconception, special relativity simply states that the distance you travel depends on how fast you move, for how long you’re moving for. So if you are driving at 70 mph you will have covered 70 miles in one hour. The confusing part is that, no matter how fast you are moving you will always see the speed of light as being the same. It’s similar to sound, if you close your eyes and imagine that the only sense you have is hearing, you will identify things by how they sound. So if a car is driving at a rapid speed and honks its horn, we know that the horn is always tooting the same tone, it’s just the car’s motion that made it appear to change.

Special relativity also showed us that the atoms and molecules that make up matter are connected by electromagnetic fields, the same stuff light is made up of. The object that would break the light speed barrier is made up of the same stuff as the barrier itself. How can an object travel faster than that which links it’s atoms? This was the barrier.


The only problem with our modern day science is that creating distortions in space-time require energy densities that are not yet possible for humans, or so they say. NASA scientists are currently working on tweaking Alcubierre’s model.


Faster-than-light travel, also known as hyper space or “warp” drive from what the masses know for sure is currently at the level of speculation. Although there is already a lot of evidence that shows it is possible  and has already been accomplished, mainstream science is still catching up.  We are at the point right now where faster-than-light travel is still theoretical, but possible.


At the same time, we have to look at other factors that are now coming to light. As former NASA Astronaut and Princeton Physics Professor Dr, Brian O’leary Illustrates. This topic has recently had another media explosion and congress recently discussed and looked at evidence for Earth like planets recently found by Kepler Telescopes. Three “super-Earths” to be exact that are most probably teeming with life (4). Furthermore, former congressmen and women recently participated in a citizens hearing on the subject of UFOs a few weeks ago. You can read more about that here. I’ve used this video in many articles before, but it’s just a great clip from when Dr O’leary was still with us.

UFOs and the technology behind it should not be subject to speculation. Odds are we have retrieved some of that technology, or manufactured some ourselves. Some of our science may not be so theoretical after all.


“We now have the technology to take ET home” – Ben Rich




Cosmography of the Local Universe

This is a really cool 3-D model of the known Universe.

Cosmography of the Local Universe

I think it’s kind of ironic and I must say awesome, that they put it just how I see it.

When playing around with some of my theoretical ideas, I typically attempt to see it just like this.

I’ve always assumed that this is how it would be done in a lab, so it’s how I always try to imagine the big picture.

For me, it allows me to be able to see space, matter, and energy in a scale that my mind can comprehend. I can see energy as simply a plug in, matter as what’s taking up the space. and motion through the glass walls.

Because it’s 3-D, I can see the stuff that isn’t there as well. In fact, it’s one of the main reasons why I know we exist in a closed environment. (At least relative to us anyway, but that’s a whole other page!)

I just wish I could freeze and save a few of the frames of this presentation. If anyone of my readers knows how I might be able to do this, I’d appreciate it.

Thank you,
